1. My husband remembers what I was wearing the first time we met, orange tank and long green shorts (before long shorts were "in"). And by the way, he didn't like it at all, I was too "boyish" for him back then!!
2. My second toe is longer than my big toe. EWW, i know.
3. I have a tattoo, I got it the day Mandi's grandma got married.
4. We had a squatty potty in our apartment in India.
5. My house looks like this....
6. I'm married to a poet.
ok, about Thursday. i'm hosting an uppercase living open house. i love the stuff!! if anyone is interested it's going to be at 6:30pm at the cherry ghost coffee house on the corner of 57 and main st. anyone and everyone is welcome! :)

Nice house! Love what you've done with the place! LOL! It'll be awesome when you're done with it! What is Uppercase Living??
Nice house...I love what you've done with the place! LOL. Seriously, it'll be awesome when you're done! What is Uppercase Living?
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