Last night was "trick-or-treating" for us... even though we only made it to 4 places, and Aspen didn't even get out of the van at our last stop because she was sleeping! She didn't so much like getting in and out of the car and her puppy costume was just a little short on her, so basically she wasn't a happy camper! But that's our little home-body!! Ava has (in the past month) become shy. I don't know if it's because we stay home a lot more now than we used to or what, but honestly I don't really like it. She wouldn't even say trick-or- treat to her grandma or nathanial's aunts last night!! Oh, and at dance class yesterday Ava decided she didn't want to leave my side!! This is so different for her!! Any advice on how to deal with this change in personality? And she wants to quit dance she says... I think I'll make her go at least 1 more month (even if she won't participate)... but do I let her quit after that?? Okay, enough of that, here are some pics!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Kitty's and Puppies
Well, well, well..... what have we been up to. Let's see here. Nathanial of course has been working most evenings at the new house. He tells me I need to post some new pics of it in here, but it's basically the same, except most of the walls, including the studs are gone now. We are changing the whole layout, I'm very excited about it. We did head up to Brown County to go mountain biking and just spend some time outdoors! The girls had fun playing in the leaves! It was very beautiful.

Ava at preschool :)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Came across this....
Couldn't help but share this, it was so good!
We believe that there is no real candidate or party that I think embodies a consistent ethic of life, because there is no one who fully embodies what it means to honor life, from the womb to the tomb (poverty, abortion, war) . Its the job of the church to embody the good news. .. and no candidate will effect change like the church (meaning us people as the living stones that make the church).
We have to figure out how not to just wait for politicians to make a change, but to embody the beliefs we hold and act on them. .. I don't see Obama or McCain enacting the tasks of Matthew 25... but usually, neither are we. Its time, to be the church. Be the change.Pro Life means a whole lot more the being anti-abortion. If you want to live pro life, adapt Mother Teresa's pro life stance...
"Please don' t kill the child . I want the child . Please give me the child. I am willing to accept any child who would be aborted, and to give that child to a married couple who will love the child, and be loved by the child . From our children' s home in Calcutta alone, we have saved over 3,000 children from abortions.These children have brought such love and joy to their adopting parents, and have grown up so full of love and joy"
Us Christians better start adopting new born babies and pregnant mothers, as well as extending grace to those who hurt us and wish us harm if we are to claim to be Pro Life. .. womb to tomb. .. No candidate can ever come close to changing this world like we can personally , with meaningful acts of concrete love. Love is our revolution, and Jesus is our commander and chief .
We believe that there is no real candidate or party that I think embodies a consistent ethic of life, because there is no one who fully embodies what it means to honor life, from the womb to the tomb (poverty, abortion, war) . Its the job of the church to embody the good news. .. and no candidate will effect change like the church (meaning us people as the living stones that make the church).
We have to figure out how not to just wait for politicians to make a change, but to embody the beliefs we hold and act on them. .. I don't see Obama or McCain enacting the tasks of Matthew 25... but usually, neither are we. Its time, to be the church. Be the change.Pro Life means a whole lot more the being anti-abortion. If you want to live pro life, adapt Mother Teresa's pro life stance...
"Please don' t kill the child . I want the child . Please give me the child. I am willing to accept any child who would be aborted, and to give that child to a married couple who will love the child, and be loved by the child . From our children' s home in Calcutta alone, we have saved over 3,000 children from abortions.These children have brought such love and joy to their adopting parents, and have grown up so full of love and joy"
Us Christians better start adopting new born babies and pregnant mothers, as well as extending grace to those who hurt us and wish us harm if we are to claim to be Pro Life. .. womb to tomb. .. No candidate can ever come close to changing this world like we can personally , with meaningful acts of concrete love. Love is our revolution, and Jesus is our commander and chief .

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Just a thought
I absolutely love having both girls home with me, but I'll have to admit that I also cherish Thursday mornings when Ava is at preschool and it's just Aspen and I. This morning I was rocking her to sleep for her morning nap. I was just thinking about how safe she feels when she's in mommy's arms. Anyone that's been around her knows what a mommy's girl she is. I was thinking about how I would never ever choose to let harm come her way and how I will always love her no matter what, and then I hear that still, small voice whispering in my ear. No matter what ever comes of our messed up world we live in, I am safe in God's arms. He feels that way about me, about everyone. It doesn't mean there won't be pain here, but ultimately my soul is safe with Him. It's a simple truth, but it became more real to me this morning.

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Pumpkins and Inflatables
Today we went out to Etiennes to see GG (Great grandma Buchheit) and pick out pumpkins. My girls got messy enjoying "pink milk" and cheetos and nana's, but they still look adorable to me! :)
Aspen and Uncle Nolan
Then it was off to annual Hog Roast for Harvest. Ava had a blast. Aspen was a little fussy, since she couldn't keep up with big sis.

Friday, October 10, 2008
Thurs night
ok, here goes the 6 random facts about me.....
1. My husband remembers what I was wearing the first time we met, orange tank and long green shorts (before long shorts were "in"). And by the way, he didn't like it at all, I was too "boyish" for him back then!!
2. My second toe is longer than my big toe. EWW, i know.
3. I have a tattoo, I got it the day Mandi's grandma got married.
4. We had a squatty potty in our apartment in India.
5. My house looks like this....

6. I'm married to a poet.
ok, about Thursday. i'm hosting an uppercase living open house. i love the stuff!! if anyone is interested it's going to be at 6:30pm at the cherry ghost coffee house on the corner of 57 and main st. anyone and everyone is welcome! :)
1. My husband remembers what I was wearing the first time we met, orange tank and long green shorts (before long shorts were "in"). And by the way, he didn't like it at all, I was too "boyish" for him back then!!
2. My second toe is longer than my big toe. EWW, i know.
3. I have a tattoo, I got it the day Mandi's grandma got married.
4. We had a squatty potty in our apartment in India.
5. My house looks like this....
6. I'm married to a poet.
ok, about Thursday. i'm hosting an uppercase living open house. i love the stuff!! if anyone is interested it's going to be at 6:30pm at the cherry ghost coffee house on the corner of 57 and main st. anyone and everyone is welcome! :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
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