I saw hunger. Its real. Its destructive. It's a daily threat.
Yesterday, I was in our community visiting some people. I saw hunger. The struggle to defeat it. The fight against it. What is my job here? How can I come alongside my dear friends, who day by day battle against hunger?
I met Asa and her three children under age six. They were fighting hunger. Asa looked thinner then before. She's been working manual labor to pay her rent. She carries cement all day long. She can't weigh more than 90 pounds herself. Her landlord takes all her salary. There's not much left to buy food for her small children. Her husband has been away for three months. He sold her brother's rickshaw, then gambled away the money from the sale. Now he can't be there, until he earns enough to pay his debts. Meanwhile, his wife struggles to survive. Her children are hungry. Eat nutritious food, we say. Eat lentils every day, and enough vegetables. Easier said then done. Many times they survive on only rice and salt. How can I help them?
Later, I met Zakir's wife. They sell fish. She told me yesterday their fish didn't sell. Its now starting to spoil, no one will buy it. If our fish doesn't sell, how will we buy more, how will we eat today? She doesn't know. Maybe they won't eat. They have three daughters all under age 11. The little one is quite malnourished. Add oil to her rice each day, I say. Oil costs money. She can't add something she can't buy. She knows Jesus and is his follower. She told me, “I'll go home and pray and ask God to help us.” Father, will you please help them? How can I help them?
Yesterday, I met Ruby and Naresh. As always, they made tea, and he offered me and my friends a homemade ice cream bar that they sell in the hot season. He has a cart he pushes around and sells ice cream he has made. I was worried about if it was made with clean water, but I ate it anyhow. Their hospitality amazes me. They struggle to survive. Will enough people want ice cream today? Still, we brought them the gospel, and I've never gone to their home when they haven't made me tea- sharing the little that they have with us. Milk and sugar cost money. They always give us biscuits too. Their generosity and gratefulness put me to shame. They truly are like the widow, who give out of their need, not their excess. Father, would you please provide for them? Would you please multiply their resources? Is there some way you want me to help them?
They sell their girls into prostitution and their boys into endentured labor sweatshops. Why? They are hungry. They have no choices. When the battle against hunger, threatens to overwhelm, they figure its better they be a prostitute than die of hunger. Its better they work without pay (child slaves) than that they die without food.
I need staff. I need people who will come and help me come alongside these dear ones in their fight against hunger. So many children die of hunger related problems. Every day. Every three seconds a child dies of hunger related illnesses. Oh God, please don't let them die. It's preventable. We can stop this! But I need help. I need people who can come and create jobs and small businesses here. I need people who know how to start small income generating businesses. I even have money for this, but no time, no people to do this. I need new staff who can come and help with self help groups, encouraging and teaching women how to earn income. So their children won't be hungry. I need people who can help men create simple business plans. Disciple and train.
The harvest is ripe, the laborers are needed. People are dying from hunger here. Will someone respond? How can I respond?
I went yesterday and delivered some oil, some lentils, some bananas to one of these families. A small act of kindness. Oh that God would do miracles of provision for them! He is the same God who fed the five thousand from loaves and fishes. He is the same God who provided for the widow when she collected oil containers from her neighbors and her oil didnt run out until they were all full. I'd love to see our believers pray over their rice and see it multiply.
Be blessed! Thanks for your prayers and support of what we are doing here.

1 comment:
I have some things to put in your yard sale...btw-- what size of shoe is Ava in now?
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