Our new house is coming along.... the old siding is off, which reveals even older siding. Nathanial and my dad have been working hard this week installing our new windows. They look great! I need to post new pictures, and when I get the chance I will. We don't have internet access at our temp home.
Ava had her Thanksgiving program today at preschool. She was all dressed up like a pilgrim, cute as can be. Her class came out and she sang one song (sortof) with her class and then just walked off the stage and came straight to us. She said she was hot, tired, and thirsty and wasn't going back up there!!! I was sad, but it was just like her! She is a little sick AGAIN so I couldn't be mad.... anyway I didn't get any picks because I forgot our camera and my mom's battery went dead.
Well, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!