We seriously had a great Christmas this year! All month we tried to make it a special point to teach our kiddo's the true meaning of Christmas and I think that's why we could really enjoy the season so much ourselves. "Jesus" came to pick up the box they filled with toys to give away, and they found some new toys in it's place Christmas morning. We had an awesome time with both of our families. The kids did get spoiled maybe a little too much by the grandparents... but, that's just the way it is I guess!! Actually mom and dad got spoiled too.... we recieved a Wii and an awesome IPOD dock... we appreciate the gifts soooo much and love them!! The girls have loved staying home all day today to play with their new stuff. Christmas Eve we cooked up some food and went to enjoy a meal that Kacie Ellis had planned for those who needed it or wanted it. We sat with a lovely couple from Cannelburg and had good conversation and some laughs. Well, the girls and I did... Nathanial was busy setting up his new blog.... thejesuschallenge.blogspot.com, he'd be thrilled if you check it out.
Here are some pics from the night of Ava's preschool program!
She was sooooo excited to get to wear her Christmas dress Aunt Shelli bought her!
Backtracking a little, Aspen turned 2 on the 19th!! I can't believe it! She is so much fun right now and so smart!! She's pretty much got the potty training thing down, as long as she wants to anyway. You just never know what mood she's gonna be in.... but we have definately been saving money by not buying as many diapers!!! That makes momma happy! She is putting words together and kindof speaking in sentences.... like: Mommy, bobbi (paci), pink. Yeah, yeah,yeah.... we shouldn't still have the bobbi.... but i've become quite the softie in that area! She was so excited to open gifts this year! I love watching her face light up! She LOVES to read books, and rip pages out of books as well.
Aspen's new ride!!
My little baldie!!
Loving her chubby cheeks!!!
Ava with her favorite Christmas present!

glad you guys had such a great christmas :)
WTG, Aspen, on being potty trained! Yeah! It sounds like you guys had a wonderful Christmas!
Everytime I see little Adara I can't get over how different she looks from the other two!! Of course, they're all beautiful, but she definitely has her own look, especially as a newborn. Hope to see you soon!
glad you had an amazing christmas. lil a hope is sssso sweet. i can't wait to hold her again :) and happy blated bday penny!
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