Monday, August 24, 2009
This may seem a little silly....
but this stubborn child in my belly is refusing to flip over!!! I'm 32 weeks on Wednesday, and yes, I know we still have plenty of time to flip...I also know that the odds are getting slimmer with each passing day!!! I also know that a C-Section would not be the end of the world but for some reason I'm a little terrified by the thought!! So, if anyone who might be reading this would just say a quick prayer for our baby to please flip over so we can hopefully avoid any surgery I would soooo appreciate it!!! Thanks!!

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I completely understand how you feel...Alli Jo flipped a lot and I was scared also! I'm praying right now baby makes a turn and gets comfy :)
It is most certainly NOT silly! I myself am very scared of the option of csection, however we both know you are under the Great Physian. IF you have to have surgery, the outcome will be the same. You will have a beautiful baby and I will finally know if its a boy or girl! ha ps. ill be praying regardless
Of course I will pray! After you have had two natural child births it is a little scary to think about a c-section!
I know how you feel! I am terrified of having a C-section too! Although I am not quite as far along as you are, this baby is hanging out the wrong way too! I'll say a prayer that they both safely do a somersault so we can hopefully avoid any surgery!!
praying for you!
Praying for you!
i'll be praying for you!! i def. never wanted to a c-section, but i will tell you it wasn't the worst thing in the world either. i would of never CHOSEN it, but as long as it gets your baby here safe that's what matters!
You should go with me & Brit in October!! We're thinking Oct. 16 or 17 (my fall break)!!! Maybe you can talk Nathanial into it by then;)
I don't blame you either. While I wouldn't be scared of surgery since I've had several, it's just that I would prefer it the other way. Like others said, as long as the baby is healthy, it doesn't really matter, but it's just different, you know? So, I'm praying baby flips and stays head down for the big event!!
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