Well... where to start.... I'm gonna have to make this short. Ava gave Aspen a haircut Monday night while I was sitting on the back porch with Adara. At first I didn't know whether to be mad or sad.... as this was Aspen Grace's first haircut!!! I decided on sad, and then it was even a little funny, although I won't let Ava know that!!! Thanks to Meghan, Aspen is styling now! Tuesday was Ava's 5th birthday! Happy Birthday sweetheart! You have forever changed our lives and we love you, now and forever!
One rotton girl!! Aspen getting her hair "fixed".
Ava and friends.
The fam...Easter 2010. Thanks to Mandi for the awesome bows-delivered at 10pm Saturday night just because she knew I wouldn't get any myself! What a great friend!
Dare-Bear is rolling over (finally!), eating some cereal, and getting better at sitting up! She is almost 6 months old.