Saturday evening we headed out to Glendale to try out our new tent. Let me just say it is a TINY four person tent that we are going to have to send back for a bigger one!! Anyway, we had a great time. The girls and Nathanial slept just like we were at home, of course I tossed and turned most of the night and woke up pretty sore from sleeping on my thin camp pad. Nathanial says I have to be tough and not break down and buy an air mattress. I'm not so sure about that. You can bet next time I will have an air mattress!! Ava and Isaac had so much fun. We had a 24 hour period with no Dora, Diego, or Alvin and the Chipmonks, and she had a blast. She was sooooo dirty though! And we did find two deer ticks on her, one of them was stuck right in her belly button!! I hate those things. Here's the highlights from our weekend!
Daddy and Ava on their canoe ride that made me a little nervous.
Best buds, Isaac and Ava
Checking out the fish Nathanial and Jordan caught!!